Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I'm Pregnant!

How did this happen? We thought we were too old. I can't believe it!! Ward can't believe it!! Our kids will have a cow. The Beaver will die of embarrassment. Betty and Wally won't be too affected by this . . . but gee, gosh, golly . . . how could this have happened??

Do you realize that I will be seventy years old when this child is eighteen?!! Yeah, let's see if he/she was conceived April 1 that puts the due date at around the first week of November . . . wait did you say April 1???!!! Oh, whew, what a relief. This is just a April Fool's joke then, oh my goodness! Not funny! No, not funny at all :-0

Have you been punked like this in the past as a part of the whole April 1 mania? I really haven't had the opportunity to pull many good ones. But I do remember one that had my kids going. We were at Fort McPherson at the time and homeschooling. The kids were not even up yet so it was fairly early in the morning. I just ran in and shook them and said that there was a gas leak and we had to evacuate as quickly as possible. Half asleep as they were they just all raced out of the house! Oh, that was a good one. They got me back later that day with the old tape the handle down on the spray nozzle attachment at the sink so that when I turned the faucet on I got a full blast. Alls fair!


MacKenzie said...

I definitely remember that but I don't remember it being so funny at the time.

Also, Craig mentioned doing the whole "we're pregnant" thing on our blog and not putting up another post till the next day but somehow I didn't think you guys would find that funny.

June Cleaver said...

Yeah, my not being pregnant = funny. Your not being pregnant = sad (for parents who are ready to be grandparents)!