Friday, April 4, 2008


Hillary's recent "mispeaking" has introduced me to a new word: confabulation. Confabulation is also known as false memory or a fantasy that has unconsciously emerged of a factual account. Wow, aren't those just great fancy ways of lying?!

(Ward has been known to embellish his stories a bit, but he's never out and out fabricated things out of thin air . . . he's at least had the basic underpinnings of the truth in there.)

In recent news, and certainly with more and more of our politicians, it seems that stretching the truth is not enough any more. Why they confabulate when the facts these days can so easily be checked by the news media (ha ha) or even things like snopes, is beyond comprehension. The backpedaling seems to be constant and the norm. "What I meant to say is . . . blah, blah, blah" that is until tomorrow when " What I really, really , meant was . . . yada, yada, yada!"

It's downright . . . Clintonian!

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