Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hope in a Can

Before we were so rudely interrupted by the earthquake, I was going to wax poetic on the virtues of spring foods. That's right I'm talking TUNA! It was warm enough the other day, and so sunny and breezy that the day was just begging for a tuna salad for dinner. Why should this be a seasonal dish? Well, because tuna salad in a blizzard just doesn't work, that's why! The food should match the weather outside? Yes it should. End of story.

Anyway, that's what we had. I went for the macaroni salad version, plated with red leaf lettuce and grape tomatoes. The simplicity of it astounds. (Hold the onions, or the Beave won't touch it.) When you have the first tuna salad of the season you are welcoming in a whole host of good things to follow. When you have tuna salad, can corn on the cob or watermelon be far behind? Even though it is cooler and gray outside today, I have the promise of warm sunny days ahead all because I had tuna salad for dinner this week.

1 comment:

MacKenzie said...

Craig doesn't seem to feel the need to match food to season - he is happy with a bowl of chili in the summer or potato salad in the winter. I don't get it but at least he doesn't mind my doing so. It just doesn't feel like spring until I have had tuna macaroni salad.