Friday, April 25, 2008

The Meaning of Hooah

According to Rod Powers in Your Guide to US Military the dictionary definition of hooah is as follows:

hooah (hoo ah) adj., adv., n., v., conj., interj., excla. (Orig. unknown) Slang
1. Referring to or meaning anything and everything except "no"
2. What to say when at a loss for words
3. a. Good copy. b. Roger. c. Solid copy. d. Good. e. Great. f. Message received. g. Understood.
h. Acknowledged
4. a. Glad to meet you. b. Welcome.
5. "All right!"
6. a. I don't know the answer, but I'll check on it. b. I haven't the foggiest idea.
7. I am not listening.
8. "That is enough of your drivel; sit down!"
9. Yes.
10. "You've got to be kidding me!"
11. Thank you.
12. Go to the next slide.
13. You've taken the correct action.
14. I don't know what that means, but I'm too embarrassed to ask for clarification.
15. Squared away (He's pretty hooah.)
16. Amen!

I'm only bring this up because although soldiers use this all of the time, and we spouses even chime in a lot when we have functions, but it is always saved for military conversation, and we just don't use this in our personal conversations. That's why I was blown away last evening when, on our way to a military function, Ward and I are discussing an incident involving a soldier and I gave him my opinion and he answered me with a resounding, "Hooah!" We both looked at each other and began laughing, "Did you just give me a hooah!?" "I did!"

Okay, it's time to retire!

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