Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Boys Will Be Boys: An Observation

Here are some things I've observed about the male youth of today (this gleaned from watching boys from the ages of 14-18 at baseball practice):

They burp outrageously to impress themselves. They are well aware that this compulsion is revolting to any adult within hearing range, but what they are not aware of is that the other guys pretty much look upon any loud oral emanations not originating from their own bodies with disdain as well. The ensuing rolling of teenage eyes and "geesh!" is wasted on them. They bear the proud look of, "can you believe the size of that one?!" for a full minute or two.

Teenage boys in spring are easily distracted. If a baseball happens to bust open after being hit it will take at least 20-30 minutes for several young men to disentangle themselves from the string that they have unwound during that time.

With the least bit of sunshine and warmth they boys will take off their shirts and pretend to be "Ahnold." They do look like guys from Iron Man Magazine (JUNIOR!) and those that aren't scrawny are a bit chubby, but who am I to rain on their parade. They think they look like God's gift to women and they'll find out the truth soon enough.

They develop terrible nicknames for each other. Sometimes it goes according to initials, T.D. is called STD, or it can be a take off of a kid's last name, Moue is called moo-moo, and because he is Matt's friend, Ben is called boo-boo. Or Benhamin (I guess that's a Spanish version of Benjamin). And though the names can seem terrible, they are always used with great affection. It seems that if you don't have a nickname you must be kind of boring.

If they find out what bugs a guy, watch out. They will use this unmercifully against that person. The Beave hates to have anyone wear his stuff, especially his hat. He trys to act like it doesn't bother him, but I think they are on to him. And take it whenever they can.

Sometimes these guys need yelling at to get them motivated. That must be a guy thing (hey, girls would cry!) but it does seem to work. When they were just not making plays and looking sloppy, and coach was covering his face with his hands and just couldn't take it any more, he just finally gave them , what for! No cursing or anything (it's a Christian school) but just saying what needed to be said, LOUDLY! And for the rest of the practice they shaped up. Go figure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your observations! Hope the Beave is enjoying spring baseball fever. Your site is way cool! Parrie