Friday, March 7, 2008

Hostess Gifts

Been invited to a friend's home for dinner and just now thought of what to take for a hostess gift. Sometimes it's nice to think outside the box of the usual things - wine, candles, candy, flowers. I went scrounging through my prebought gifts, you know, things I pick up when I see them. This is what I had on hand:

Stationery (small pretty boxes)
Teddy bear in a matching gift bag
Specialty soap

The trouble is I know this couple well, and she shops at TJ Maxx just as much as I do, so there would be no surprises as she thinks a lot like me as well.

I scrounged some more and found the perfect thing that I had picked up quite a while ago, Maker's Mark Bourbon Flavored Cherries! And I also was able to throw in some red Maker's Mark cocktail napkins.

If anyone else has ideas on what to keep on hand to give as hostess gifts I would love to hear from you.

Now I'm going to go do one of my favorite things, eat a meal that someone else has prepared!!


MacKenzie said...

I need to be better about doing this. We normally swing by the state liquor store for a bottle of wine on our way over to their house -if we take something at all. We aren't thoughtful guests like you are.

Ermma said...

We always bring a hearty appetite. Now if I had to bring a dessert(in a pinch...which is always) I would get some of those store bought cookies that taste better than homemade. I would put them on a plate or in one of those containers that cost next to nothing and later insist that they keep it. Those alone make a nice gift!