Sunday, March 9, 2008

Church Cancelled?

Yes, you heard that right! The snow fall and ensuing icy road conditions meant that many churches in our area canceled today's services. We were at the the KCAA state basketball tournament last night when we learned that our church had canceled this morning's service. I was surprised, but the church building sits up on a large hill, so I could understand, especially after driving home last night in icy conditions. We did have a plan B though, and just thought we would go to another church service, one where we have been before and our friends attend. Imagine our surprise when we got there and the parking lot was empty! We hadn't seen it listed as canceled on our local TV station.

Any way, I used it as a chance to catch up on my reading through the Bible in a year. I always seem to fall behind. If you miss one day it's a bear because of the old testament reading!

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