Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thumper's Rule of Entropy

Yesterday my Science Fair post had some trouble due to a little known law of nature, Thumper's Rule of Entropy. This law states that "if you can't say nothin' nice don't say anything at all, but if you do say something in the comment section that is crass, or mean , or unkind the post will immediatley go from order to disorder, and implode!"

So that's what happened to my Science Fair post :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that last jab, ma’am. I just lost control.
Any how, I think that that is a ugly way to tell me somthin. That is just my personalita’. I agree If ya cant say somthin nice, then you just don’t say nothin. Hm……..can’t think o much to say now……well bye y’all!