Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Leave It To Beaver

Happy birthday kiddo!! It's funny yesterday's post should be about moving and I ended with unpacking, that's another story, because that's what I remember most about your birth. We had just made the move to West Point and were lucky enough to have borrowed temporary quarters that overlooked the Hudson. I was a waddling eight months pregnant and your brother and sister were ten and eight years old. The system at West Point was to have a housing draw in early June based upon rank. Your Dad was just a Captain at the time our name was low on the list, hence the month long wait.

And as the days went by and my due date drew nearer I must confess I began to get a little worried. But God is good and we signed for quarters with a week to go. I remember thinking, Hang in there little buddy. But I guess you had other ideas!

So about four hours after the moving truck had unloaded the last box, and your Dad and I were furiously unpacking, you decided, That's it, you got the house, I'm on my way!

Now let me tell you just how good God really is. A very new friend of mine from church had stopped by earlier and asked Wally and Betty to spend the night at her home, and I had let them go. And because it was one o'clock in the morning when we left our box strewn new quarters for the hospital, we didn't have to worry about what to do with your brother and sister. And when they woke up the next day they had a new baby brother!

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