Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Slanket Wars

Here you have a true American success story; a young entrepreneur solves a personal problem and then sees the value of his solution, how others could benefit from it, borrows money from family, patents his idea, manufactures it and starts a new craze! How could you not support this, especially if you are one who gets cold watching TV and want to change the channel without getting up?

And yet there are those that mock the idea. Shame on you! Allow those of us with poor circulation to enjoy a degree of comfort without making fun of us. This is not fashion, it's convenience. And don't get me started on the imitation Slanket. (I think the Snuggie is a cheap rip-off, not even worthy to be mentioned.)

I am happy to have the Slanket and happy that this young man is profiting from taking a chance. It's the American way!

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