Monday, February 25, 2008

Amrapali and Aging

Would June Cleaver wear Amrapali earings? At her age?! Well, yes, if she's very, very daring. A young lady from India who is a friend of my son and fellow PHD student working in Austin just returned from a trip to her homeland bearing gifts . . . and I was one of the lucky recipients!

Thank you Sri Priya for the lovely ornaments from the Jaipur-based jewellry house of Amrapali. They are a little over two inches long and I've never worn anything quite like them . . . but I am going to! When you reach a certain age (that is nearing the Red Hat Society proximity) you decide you can wear pretty much what you want to . . . it's especially OK to do that when your young adult children are not within seeing distance . . . so there will be no "are you going out like THAT?!" to dampen the moment. The Beaver has his own ideas about fashion so he certainly won't be making any pot calling the kettle black type of statements.

Priya also sent some new buzz pics of current hollywood stars wearing Amrapali earrings, so I'll be in good (or bad depending on how you look at it) company.

1 comment:

MacKenzie said...

Just be sure to only wear "Betty approved" clothing when you come visit me. I have to be seen in public with you, ya know. :-)