Monday, January 19, 2009


Oh my heck! this is one good play! Thank you Betty for recommending it, and thanks too for not revealing the plot line so there were all of those little surprises.

This musical was just what a Broadway play should be, interesting plot with a light cheesy story line, great memorable characters and the very best singing in the world! Never once did I fidget in my seat or look at my watch. I was captivated, as was everyone in the audience last night. This is what entertainment should be!

Beave and friend and yours truly headed into the city early, to make sure we found the Kentucky Center for Performing Arts, got parking and had enough time to grab a light bite. That went well, and we actually were close enough to walk through the Fourth Street Live area before catching the show.

The only damper to our evening was the white-knuckle drive home. Due to an ice storm we were forced to go as slowly as 15 mph, and I have all wheel drive! We saw many cars, and lots of trucks, sliding off the highway. But we made it home!

Just one other comment about the play. Try not to think of Elphaba, aka The Wicked Witch of the West, in context of the original Wizard of Oz movie as shown in the second photo above.

If you do you could never imagine that Fiyero, the love interest of both Elphaba and Glinda, would fall for the former, as shown in the top photo from the play.

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