Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year, New You?

Nope, it ain't gonna happen! The list of changes needed would be overwhelming. But!!
I do resolve to get some things done. Being an avid list maker, as noted in an earlier post, I have already succeeded in accomplishing some things on my short list.

Monday was the beginning. These things were done:

Art work to studio for framing. I've had these two items a long time (one over 2 years) so this is big, on second thought, it's HUGE!

Bags of used clothing to thrift shop for donation. Again, those have been sitting here for a couple of months.

Tickets to the Broadway play Wicked in Louisville on January 18. This is big in so many ways! First, I bought three tickets. So that means the Beave is going with! (I should get an Olympic medal for this fact alone!) Second, it means he gets to invite his friend, and I get to chaperon their first "date." Does it get any better? Why, yes it does. January 18 is a Sunday and though the play is in the evening, the next day is an army training holiday so we won't have to worry about getting home late, we can actually go out for dinner afterward. That should make for a very nice evening of culture and manners.

So the short list is waning; the long list is still, well, long. And while I make no resolutions I do aspire to accomplish those things steadily over the next six months. Hey, I have to stay busy until Ward returns from Iraq!

1 comment:

MacKenzie said...

I'm so glad you decided to go. I really think you will enjoy it.

On a musically related note, I made Craig watched "Seven sisters for seven brothers" (that is Seven Brides for Seven brothers for the rest of you) Sunday night. I think he found the story line very amusing.