Sunday, November 30, 2008

Everything's Amazing!

I, like so many of us, take "everything" for granted. My daughter in her down to earth wisdom reminded me of this the other day when I whined to her about the length of time it was going to take to have the Beave's cell phone repaired. More than a couple of days, it was!! Can you believe that? But no empathy from Betty as she couldn't really see the importance on world events of a teenager being without his texting for a few days. Sigh, I knew there would come a time when my kids would not only think that they were smarter than me, but actually . . . were! As if in perfect timing to corroborate her feelings on the matter came this:

"We live in an amazing, amazing world, and it's wasted on the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots"

And isn't it funny that this comes on Thanksgiving weekend, where I really should be just counting my blessings. And I am! Really we live in an amazing time. Please don't let me be like just another spoiled idiot!

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