Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Didja ever notice . . .

The male species does not see the same way the female species do? Case in point, when I look at an area of my home that needs tidying up, say before a group of twenty or so ladies are coming for a get-together, I look around and see piles of stuff that need to be put away, namely: soccer shoes, soccer ball, soccer shin guards, not to mention regular shoes, piles of books and school papers, hoodies that haven't been worn in a week or so, baseball bat, glove and balls, and various baseball caps. When asked about these things, the owner says, "what stuff?"

And then we have the area on top of a certain bookcase where this male person keeps his two fish. In two separate containers. Now, he does take very good care of the fish; cleaning the tanks and feeding them with no reminders having to be given. But all of the paraphernalia necessary to do this is left . . . right there! Bottles of PH balancers and fish food and fish medicines all just crowded there on the top two shelves of the book case; and then the water containers are in the nearby bathroom with nets and scrubbers. I think a person of the female persuasion would keep all of these items out of sight when not being used. My male guy can't figure out why he should put them away when he's just going to have to get them out again in a couple of weeks!

So my only conclusion is that they look, but they don't really SEE!!

1 comment:

MacKenzie said...

I have seen this "look but don't see" phenomena too, especially when the male person I am currently living with can't find something and asks me where it is.

I used to assume that since he was asking, it meant it wasn't in it's assigned spot and say "I don't know" then have to listen to him hunt for it for 30 minutes only to find out it was in it's spot the whole time. Now I say, "if it isn't ___ (in the drawer, on the bookshelf, etc) where it belongs, I don't know where it would be".

How can we both live in the same house but he have no idea where things are kept?