Sunday, June 29, 2008

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Betty's recent celebratory comment on her bad neighbors reminded me that Frost is correct about fences and neighbors, though you can't have that in an apartment complex can you? We do have a very nice fence as do our neighbors, but our homes have an adjoining wall, and that means we are still too close, fences notwithstanding. And our neighbors are moving too. The only problem we had is that he worked on cars. I mean he rebuilt several automobiles while he was living here. Which was no skin off my nose, until he began painting them in his garage, which adjoins ours. Really, there is probably some obscure rule against doing that in your home here on a military post, and the first time he did it, I thought oh well, it's just this once. I had no idea at the time this was a part-time business for him, especially since he's a chaplain. But over the past year we came to realize that it's a side business for him, and we were assaulted by paint fumes more than a few times!

But commenting on a neighbors perceived violation of living with your neighbor code protocol is tricky business. You still have to live with them after saying anything so we always choose to say nothing, unless really, really provoked. And I was really, really provoked over this weekend . . . but they are moving! So what, do you do?! I was this || close to calling the MPs. What they did was to take in their son-in-laws beautiful mixed breed dog (looks mostly malamute) and leave it in their fenced in back yard while they are gone for the weekend. So this hairy dog was left to swelter in the over 90 degree heat, when it wasn't cowering in the corner during the multiple thunder storms that we had here in Kentucky. There were a couple of water bowls left for it, but absolutely no shelter of any kind to get in out of the sun or rain.
Aargh! The Beaver said someone came yesterday, maybe to provide food, but it is still outside.
When they return I will mention something to them . . . I'm just going to have to figure out what.

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