Sunday, April 19, 2009

Watching Thunder

That's what we did yesterday! On a whim, Beaver and I and a couple of his pals went to Louisville for the opening event of Derby week, Thunder Over Louisville. The days begins on the Ohio River front portion of downtown Louisville with an air show and continues until the climax of the pyrotechnics power of an awesome fireworks display between two bridges! Thunder is aptly named; between the roar and rumble of jet engines and the booming barrage of the fireworks your ears get quite a workout!

We didn't arrive until 5:30, but thanks to my prayers, we found reasonably priced parking right away and walked the ten blocks or so to the river front. The air show was visible from any part of downtown and the fly-bys and aerobatics were amazing. I kept grabbing arms and saying "wouldja look at that!"

There were crowds, as I knew there would be. We scoped out where we thought we could find a spot and again, "the force" was with us as we found an little park area off the beaten path and actually had seats, albeit cement ones, and a really nice view of the fireworks. We actually had time to get to a Panera to eat a bite and when we came back our spot was still there.

And getting home was just as easy, crowds and all. We walked back to our parking spot and I saw the entrance to our highway a block away. I had envisioned a nightmare of traffic, but again we were good to go and home by 11:30!

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